Animal Crossing вики
Animal Crossing вики

«I caught a wasp! That's gotta sting...» — New Horizons

Оса (ハチ Хачи?, Оса) (Пчела до New Horizons ) это "вредное" Насекомое, появившаяся в Animal Crossing. Хотя осы появляются в большом количестве, их можно поймать только в единичном виде, как муравьев. Как только оса поймана, другие осы в рое рассеются.

Осы не видны, если их гнездо не потревожено встряхиванием или рубкой топором. Как только гнездо рухнет, появятся осы. Каждый день создается только пять осиных гнезд, но их нельзя найти, если беспроводные ворота открыты и/или другие игроки находятся в городе. В New Leaf, ульи могут появляться на любых деревьях, включая фруктовые, тогда как в предыдущих играх их могли удерживать только обычные неплодовые деревья.

В New Leaf ульи можно собирать и продавать за 500 колоколов. В New Horizons стоимость осиного гнезда уменьшилась до 300 колоколов, но его можно использовать в рецепте «сделай сам» с 3 пучками сорняков для изготовления лекарства.



A player takes advantage of the slow turning speed of a bee to catch it.

Wasps, once agitated, will chase the player until the player catches them with a net, enters a building, quits the game, or, in New Leaf, saves and continues. Wasps follow the player and travel faster than running speed, however they are fairly slow to turn which can be used to the advantage of the player. In most games, a simple 5-second run from the tree, net equip, and net swing into the swarm is sufficient to catch them if the timing is right. In New Leaf, it is possible to hit the beehive with the net and catch the bee before they can swarm.

If the wasps catch and sting the player, the player's left eyelid will swell; in New Horizons, if the player is stung a second time while their eyelid is already swollen, they will pass out and be returned to the front of their house, much like with scorpion or tarantula attacks. Villagers will comment on the player's condition and appearance if spoken to, and may offer the player a bag of medicine; in New Horizons, the player will instead receive the DIY recipe card for medicine from a villager the first time they speak to one while stung. If the player tries to talk to a villager while the wasps are still in pursuit, the villager will make a frightened comment about the approaching swarm. This trait is shared with scorpions and tarantulas.

Пожертвование в музей[]

В Animal Crossing[]

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"Why, I'd imagine it took more than a bit of skill and daring to catch bees! You've got 'moxie,' as I believe they say. I'm certain you must have been stung numerous times. How terribly painful that must have been, eh wot? Incidentally, do you know how some honeybees protect their hives when attacked by giant wasps? The giant wasps can't survive heats above 113 degrees, but the honeybees can live at heats up to 122 degrees. The canny honeybees use this nine-degree difference to their fullest advantage, wot! When the wasps arrive, the bees attack them en masse. A single wasp may be swarmed by up to 500 bees! Now this is truly amazing. The bees then begin to vibrate, creating a veritable cocoon of suffocating heat. Do you see the genius at work here? This swarming is but a feverish defense against the giant wasps' weakness. The temperature? Hoo hoo! Lo and behold, 120 degrees! Just below the bees own threshold of survival! In this incredible fashion, the honeybees literally lay their lives on the line to protect the hive! Stupendous! To be honest, I learned that from a wee documentary I saw on the telly! Of course, incredible feats can only go so far. When all is said and done, they're still insects, and still ghastly!"

В Wild World[]

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"I once thought that its stinger was a bee's lone defense, but... ...I've recently heard that they also possess terribly repulsive breath! Of course, the gent who told me this was a bit of a rabid liar, but still! I would heartily endorse the following action if you see another: FLEE LIKE MAD! Stingers and bad breath, honestly! What monstrous little beasties..."

В Let's Go to the City[]

Blathers will comment on your donation as follows:

"It can be quite dangerous to receive a large dose of bee venom-- for example, by being stung. That said, did you know that same substance is actually used in some women's perfumes? Indeed! A potent venom and a potent perfume... Which do you suppose is more devastating, wot?"

The bee can be found buzzing about on the highest tier of the bug room, among the trees.

В New Leaf[]

In New Leaf, an information board in the bug exhibit will list information about this bug.

"Bees are prone to attacking anyone who comes too close to their hive, so be careful when approaching! The yellow and black you see on their bodies are colors often used to convey danger. This danger is pretty significant, as many varieties of bees are capable of stinging multiple times."

The bee can be found flying from tree to tree along the back wall of the museum's bug exhibit. It will occasionally leave the tree and fly around for a bit before returning to its hive.

В New Horizons[]

В New Horizons при пожертвовании или выборе «Расскажите об этом подробнее!» куратор Блезерс расскажет (с отвращением):

"Хуу! Позвольте мне поделиться с вами фактом! Ос иногда называют «мясными пчелами», потому что... Они. Едят. МЯСО! МЯСО! Практически любое! Наверняка вы видели, какую угрозу они представляют из себя на пикниках. Вряд ли это самое худшее, Уот Уоот! Агрессивные хищники с ядовитыми жалами, осы не только охотятся и поедают других насекомых... они парализуют свою добычу, а затем ЖИВЫМИ тащат своих жертв домой, оставляя их для кормления своей личинки.. Вдруг простой укус покажется вполне терпимым."

Осу можно найти прямо над главным входом в экспозицию музея насекомых. Его гнездо висит на дереве справа от дерева мешочницы, прямо под ним стоит небольшой фонарный столб.

Цитаты после ловли[]

«I caught a bee! Bzzz bzz bzz bzzzzz! I'm glad it didn't sting me!» — Animal Crossing
«I caught a bee! I'm so happy...that I didn't get stung!» — Wild World
«I caught a bee! Bzz! Bzz! Bzz! Glad I didn't get stung!» — City Folk
«I caught a bee! Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Phew! ...But why am I still holding it?!» — New Leaf
«I caught a wasp! That's gotta sting...» — New Horizons
When Stung
«OWWW! I got stung by a bee...» —Animal Crossing
«I got stung by BEES! Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow!» —Wild World
«I got stung by a bee! Ow! Ow ow ow!» —City Folk
«Ow! Ow ow ow... I got stung by bees!» — New Leaf
«Ow! Ow ow ow... I got stung by wasps!» —New Horizons
Цитаты на японском

「ハチを 捕まえた! ブン! ブン! ブン! 刺されなくって よかったぁ!」 —[[Dōbutsu no Mori e+]]

"I caught a bee! Bzz, bzz, bzz! I'm glad I didn't get stung!" (перевод)

「ハチを つかまえた! ブン! ブン! ブン! ふ~~っ 刺されなくて 良かったぁ~!」 —[[ New Leaf]]

"I caught a bee! Bzz, bzz, bzz! Phew~~, I'm glad I didn't get stung~!" (перевод)
When Stung

「ハチに 刺されちゃった イテテ…」 —[[ New Leaf]]

"I got stung by a bee. Oww..." (перевод)

Информация из энциклопедии[]

Wild World[]

Encyclopedia Information
Оса (Wild World) "These dangerous bugs are black and yellow."
Size 38 мм
Time Весь день
Season Весь год
Icon Оса (Wild World icon)

Let's Go to the City[]

Encyclopedia Information
Bee (City Folk)
"These poison-carrying bees will attack big foes to protect the queen."
Size Около 38 мм
Time Весь день
Season Весь год

New Leaf[]

Encyclopedia Information
"I caught a bee! Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Phew! ...But why am I still holding it?!"
Size 38 mm
Time Весь день
Season Весь год

New Horizons[]

Информация из энциклопедии
"I caught a wasp! That's gotta sting..."
Текущие часы активности Весь день
Месяцы активности (в севере) Весь год
Месяцы активности (в юге) Весь год


  • In New Leaf, if there are bees in the vicinity and a player talks to a villager while they're fishing, they will only bring up the fishing dialogue instead of the bee chase reaction.
  • Since bees usually appear with the beehive in New Leaf, the total would be 3,000 bells if both the bee and the beehive were included.
  • Wearing something on the player's face to cover up the bee sting (i.e. glasses) will not prevent villagers from noticing it.
  • There are certain circumstances when bees cannot appear. These include:


Реакции жителей

Дальнейшая информация[]


A Japanese giant hornet

Main article: Japanese giant hornet on Wikipedia

Though they are called bees in-game, the stinging insects that appear when shaking trees are actually Japanese giant hornets. The Japanese giant hornet is the largest species of wasp in the world, and can reach a length of over 5 cm. The name "bee" in the Серия игр Animal Crossing is a mistranslation: the Japanese name はち hachi refers to both wasps and bees, though the term "bee" is also colloquially applied to wasps in English-speaking communities despite their taxonomic differences. This wasp preys on hives of honeybees: once one has located a hive, it sprays it with chemicals which attract other wasps. Together, they can destroy entire hives of thirty thousand bees or more in less than four hours. Their sting can be very dangerous, as not only are these wasps are very aggressive and sting many times, but their venom also contains a potent toxin strong enough to corrode flesh. Because of this, a sufficient amount of stings can cause serious medical complications such as renal failure. It is estimated that around 30 people die in Japan every year as a result of giant hornet stings.

На других языках[]

Язык Название Перевод
Япония Японский ハチ (Hachi) -
Франция Французский Abeille ({{{Произношение французского имени}}}) -
Испания Испанский Abeja (Абэха) -
Германия Немецкий Biene ({{{Произношение немецкого имени}}}) -
Италия Итальянский Ape ({{{Произношение итальянского имени}}}) -
Соединённые Штаты Америки Английский Wasp Восп () -

Aflogo Af+logo Animal Afe+logo Animal Crossing Wild World Logo Animal Crossing- City Folk (logo) Animal Crossing New Leaf logo Pocket Camp logo en NewHorizons
Agrias butterflyМуравейAtlas mothBagwormBanded dragonflyОсаBell cricketBlue weevil beetleBrown cicadaМногоножкаCicada shellCitrus long-horned beetleCockroachCoconut crabCommon butterflyCommon BluebottleCommon dragonflyКрабКузнечикCyclommatus stagDamselflyDarner dragonflyDiving beetleDrone beetleDung beetleEarth-boring dung beetleEmperor butterflyEvening cicadaСветлячокБлохаМухаFruit beetleGiant cicadaGiant stagGiant water bugGiraffe stagGolden stagGoliath beetleGrasshopperВеликий пурпурный императорРак-отшельникHorned atlasHorned dynastidHorned elephantHorned herculesВосковая пчелаHouse centipedeJewel beetleБожья коровкаLantern flyLong locustMadagascan sunset mothЩитник с лицомБогомолMigratory locustMiyama stagMole cricketMonarch butterflyMosquitoПавлиноглазкаMountain stag beetleOak Silk MothOrchid mantisPaper kite butterflyБианорPetaltail dragonflyPill bugPine cricketPondskaterQueen Alexandra's birdwingRainbow stagRajah Brooke's birdwingRed dragonflyRice grasshopperRobust cicadaRosalia batesi beetleSaw stagScarab beetleСкорпионУлиткаПаукSpotted ladybugStag beetleЩитникПаук-птицеедTiger beetleTiger butterflyViolin beetleWalker cicadaWalking stickWalking leafWharf roachYellow butterfly
ЖукиСачокДеревоЦветокBug OffНатФликМузей